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The stock market can help you make a lot of money, but you can lose all your money if you are tempted to invest randomly without knowing the nitty-gritty of the market. Here's what you need to know about the market. Stock market for beginners If you are thinking of investments that could beat inflation and also give you good returns, one option might be to start investing in the stock market . If you have decided to do the same and go for it all by yourself, it’s not a bad idea. The stock market, when properly understood, can help you make a lot of money, but you can also lose all your money if you are tempted to invest randomly without knowing the nitty-gritty of the market. Therefore, there are a few things you must know before you dive into the share market. Here they go: H ow to invest in the stock market   Step: 1. Never jump blindly into stock markets Many a times it happens that while talking to your friends and colleagues, the discussion heads towards the stock market, and

Rasgulla Recipe ।Rasgulla recipe.How to make rasgulla(soft spongy rasgulla recipe)

What is rasgulla?
A lot of sweets and desserts in India are

Spongy soft rasgulla
 made using milk and usually they are also the most popular ones. One such popular sweet is rasgulla, it comes from the state of West Bengal which is famous for it’s mouth-watering desserts.
Rasgulla is a milk based sweet made by curding milk and draining the whey and kneading the milk solids to make balls.This balls are cooked in hot sugar syrup untill it becomes soft and spongy.



  • 1 litre milkfull cream cows milk*
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 cup water


  •  cup sugar
  • 8 cups water(optional, depend on you how much you love)


How to make rasgulla

Rasgulla making step by step:

chenna / paneer recipe:

  1. firstly, in a thick bottomed pan add 1 litre milk.
  2. Furthermore,stir occasionally and get to a boil.
  3. additionally, add lemon juice and stir well.
  4. add more lemon juice and stir till milk curdles completely.
  5. and immediately drain the curdled milk into the hand kerchief.
  6. pour a cup of water and clean the paneer as it has lemon juice in it.
  7. furthermore, bring it together and squeeze off excess water.
  8. hang for 30 minutes. or till all the water drains off completely.
9.after 30 minutes, start to knead the paneer for.       10 minutes. 
10.knead paneer till it turns out smooth without.          any grains of milk.
11.furthermore, make small balls of paneer and.           keep aside.

sugar syrup recipe:

  1. firstly, in a deep vessel take 1½ cup of sugar.
  2. furthermore, add 8 glasses of water and stir well.
  3. boil the syrup for 10 minutes on medium flame.
Spongy Rasgulla recipe:
  1. after that, drop the prepared paneer balls into boiling sugar syrup.
  2. cover and boil for 15 minutes. the paneer balls will have doubled in size.
  3. furthermore, keep aside till it cools completely and then refrigerate.
  4. finally, serve rasgulla chilled or at room temperature garnished with few saffron strands.
Ready to cook:
– Use a wide pan for making the rasgullas. They increase in size when dropped in boiling sugar syrup so there should be enough space for the rasgullas to cook in the pan.
– Add some water to cool down the milk before adding the lemon juice/vinegar to curdle it.
– Squeeze out all the water from the chena before you start mashing it.
– Mash the chena with your hands for total of 10 minutes. It should be totally smooth by the end of 10 minutes.
– The water to sugar ration should be 4:1. So for 1 cup of sugar you have to add 4 cups of water and boil it at high flame.
– The rasgullas increase in size while they are cooking in the sugar syrup so don’t make them too big unless you want huge rasgullas.
– Drop the rasgullas in the sugar syrup once it’s completely boiling at high flame.
– The flame has to be high throughout the entire time when the rasgullas are cooking.
– To check if the rasgullas are cooked, drop them in fresh water. They will sink if done.
– Transfer the rasgullas from the fresh water to the sugar syrup once the sugar syrup has cooled down.
– Make a day in advance, they taste the best the next day when the rasgullas have soaked the sugar syrup well.

I will definitely update this post with step by step pictures when I make rasgullas again. Since I made these in India and it was too hot in the kitchen, I couldn’t keep up with clicking pictures side by side.


  • firstly, add more lime juice if the milk doesn’t curdle well.
  • in addition, the dough should not be kneaded for long, otherwise the rasgullas may turn hard.
  • furthermore, if the sugar syrup is not clean then clean by adding a tbsp of milk.
  • additionally, for more flavours add a tbsp of rose milk while kneading paneer.
  • finally, make sure to have enough room for paneer balls to swell while boiling.
  • * Use whole milk for best results.
    * If you think the flame is too high on your gas stove and you are afraid the rasgullas might burn, you can cook them in another way. Let the sugar and water come to a boil, drop the rasgulla into it and then lower the heat to medium, cover and cook for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the cover, flip the rasgullas, cover and let them cook for another 15 minutes on medium flame. But remember to boil the sugar syrup before adding the rasgullas.
Welcome for your best try.

Other famous food recipe:

Fried rice recipe


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